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共 294710 個APK 下載 最新版本

Learn English with Phrases - Frasingo is an application that allows you to learn English with the most common phrases used in the language (1000 phras

27.83 MB

Hey artists! Tired of scouring the internet for reference material? Does the NSA think you’re a weirdo for looking up all those skeleton pictures? Got

20.68 MB

2016 KPSS'de 6'da 6, 2017 KPSS'de 6'da 5 güncel yakaladık.. Bunun yanında Tarih Coğrafya ve Anayasa'dan yakaladığımız bir çok soru bulunmaktadır. Günc

5.82 MB

Practice your times tables in the most fun and interactive way possible with the latest version of our popular times tables app, whilst helping Whizz

45.91 MB

Sign Language for beginners is an app specially created to make you understand to the point what sign language is. In Sign Language for beginners you'

16.65 MB
Talking ABC 1.00.33

Talking ABC is an interactive alphabet created with love and care. The process of learning the letters is exciting and fun while amusing animal charac

2.02 MB

"Sound Touch 2" is introducing 4 new categories: 1. Human sounds (Laughter, cry, snore, sneeze, etc.) 2. Nature & weather (Waterfalls, sea, rain, fire

6.42 MB

“Polyglot” is an easy to use mobile manual of Spanish Grammar. You will learn to make simple sentences in Spanish in a short period of time. All you n

2 MB

【這輩子一定要有的,日語文型文法查詢指南】 本套書由具有「外國語教育教師證照」, 網路教學內容獲得數百萬人次點閱的人氣名師--出口仁, 根據生活、工作、檢定等目的,量身打造專業課程, 完整規劃學日語必備的「127個具體學習目標」! 由曉騰國際 ( Mebook) 製作發行 ※ 本產品內另有提供出口仁

49.54 MB

Продолжение популярного курса «Полиглот. Английский язык», созданного по мотивам телепередачи «Полиглот. Выучи английский за 16 часов». Список занятий

2.57 MB

• Disney Princesses star in your movie masterpiece! • Learn and create through imaginative story play! • Record your voice, move the characters, and w

40.58 MB

The Premium version of Electrical Engineering doesn't have any ads, and it has more features than the free version, enjoy more space to work. Calculat

4.55 MB

Start learning japanese easily with this Phrasebook that helps you to memorize and practice phrases and vocabulary. Features: * Native japanese pronun

15.25 MB

Linear Inequality Calculator is a handy calculator for solving linear inequalities in one variable. Just enter a linear inequality using the calculato

10.17 MB

A handy calculator with steps to solve linear and quadratic inequalities. Quadratic Inequality Calculator is a handy tool for solving linear inequalit

12.08 MB

Completely new – the PWN-Oxford Dictionary in the form of an offline/online mobile application – your professional language support in everyday work a

5.54 MB

МИР СКАЗОК – 2 — это самые любимые волшебные и народные сказки для детей, с великолепными иллюстрациями лучших детских художников. Все сказки професси

16.56 MB

PascalGUI is a GUI/small-IDE for freepascal compiler. PascalGUI supports devices with ARM, x86 and MIPS processors (MIPS doesn't support graph at the

4.48 MB
go49g+ 1.2.0

HP 49G+ 50G emulator for android. YOU NEED TO LOAD THE ROM FROM INTERNET TO FULLY USE THIS CALCULATOR, see later in the description how to do that. -

809.29 KB

Full Version Unlocker is a key to upgrade NHK Easy Japanese News into Full Version which is ads free and has more features. About NHK Easy Japanese Ne

1.07 MB