Clone Space supports for login multiple accounts of WhatsApp or Messenger, and any applications you want to dual open .Clone Space provides specific function of multiple
accounts service, runs much faster and steadier than other similar apps.The package is as small as 3MB,it does not take up phone's memory, saves more system
Clone Space is the first App on Android to help users login multiple accounts of WhatsApp or Messenger at same time on one device. The cloned app and original app can be
online simultaneously, message notification and data storage work independently with no interference to each other.
Keep multiple accounts logged in simultaneously.
※ Keep your private accounts and public accounts both online at the same time, and you can balance between life and work easily.
※ Clone Space can help you upgrade and improve experience points quickly by opening a second game account.
※ Almost all android apps are supported for a second account. Data from different accounts will not interfere with each other.That means you will receive two accounts'
notification reminder simultaneously, then you will never miss any messages.
Privacy zone & apps-clone function
※ Use the newest cloning technology, leaving no trace in the phone system. It can make your private account hidden and can not be seen by others, so your data security is
ensured and your privacy is protected.
※ Clone Space is a unique app-cloning technology. We do not install more applications in your phone, so that your phone will runs very smoothly!
Fast switch different accounts with just one key
※ Cloned app and original app are running simultaneously on your phone, you can easily switch them with just one key, then effective manage different accounts.
※ Simple interface operation, specific function. while provides multiple accounts login service it even can ensure stable operation.
※ Minimalistic visual design, fresh and concise.
※ APP's file is as small as 3MB, low CPU consumption.Save more system resources.
※ Quick cloning,all applications can be double-opened.
※ Stable operation, perfect adaptation and smooth using feeling.
※ Permissions: Clone Space have applied for as much system permissions as we can to ensure that applications cloned in Clone Space will run normally.For example, if Clone
Space is not permitted to acquire location permission, you will be unable to use location function in some apps that run in Clone Space. Clone Space does not collect your
personal information to protect privacy.
※ Notifications: Please add Clone Space to whitelist of some boost apps to ensure that notification of some cloned apps work well.
If you like our application, please give us five-star praise, thank you very much for your support.
accounts service, runs much faster and steadier than other similar apps.The package is as small as 3MB,it does not take up phone's memory, saves more system
Clone Space is the first App on Android to help users login multiple accounts of WhatsApp or Messenger at same time on one device. The cloned app and original app can be
online simultaneously, message notification and data storage work independently with no interference to each other.
Keep multiple accounts logged in simultaneously.
※ Keep your private accounts and public accounts both online at the same time, and you can balance between life and work easily.
※ Clone Space can help you upgrade and improve experience points quickly by opening a second game account.
※ Almost all android apps are supported for a second account. Data from different accounts will not interfere with each other.That means you will receive two accounts'
notification reminder simultaneously, then you will never miss any messages.
Privacy zone & apps-clone function
※ Use the newest cloning technology, leaving no trace in the phone system. It can make your private account hidden and can not be seen by others, so your data security is
ensured and your privacy is protected.
※ Clone Space is a unique app-cloning technology. We do not install more applications in your phone, so that your phone will runs very smoothly!
Fast switch different accounts with just one key
※ Cloned app and original app are running simultaneously on your phone, you can easily switch them with just one key, then effective manage different accounts.
※ Simple interface operation, specific function. while provides multiple accounts login service it even can ensure stable operation.
※ Minimalistic visual design, fresh and concise.
※ APP's file is as small as 3MB, low CPU consumption.Save more system resources.
※ Quick cloning,all applications can be double-opened.
※ Stable operation, perfect adaptation and smooth using feeling.
※ Permissions: Clone Space have applied for as much system permissions as we can to ensure that applications cloned in Clone Space will run normally.For example, if Clone
Space is not permitted to acquire location permission, you will be unable to use location function in some apps that run in Clone Space. Clone Space does not collect your
personal information to protect privacy.
※ Notifications: Please add Clone Space to whitelist of some boost apps to ensure that notification of some cloned apps work well.
If you like our application, please give us five-star praise, thank you very much for your support.
Permissions list
Internet | Allows to access internet network. |
Access network state | Allows to access information about networks. |
System alert window | Allows to open windows using the system alert, shown on top of all other applications. |
com.huawei.authentication.HW_ACCESS_AUTH_SERVICE | App customer permission. |
com.samsung.svoice.sync.READ_DATABASE | App customer permission. |
com.samsung.svoice.sync.ACCESS_SERVICE | App customer permission. |
com.samsung.svoice.sync.WRITE_DATABASE | App customer permission. |
com.sec.android.app.voicenote.Controller | App customer permission. |
com.sec.android.permission.VOIP_INTERFACE | App customer permission. |
com.sec.android.permission.LAUNCH_PERSONAL_PAGE_SERVICE | App customer permission. |
com.samsung.android.providers.context.permission.WRITE_USE_APP_FEATURE_SURVEY | App customer permission. |
com.samsung.android.providers.context.permission.READ_RECORD_AUDIO | App customer permission. |
com.samsung.android.providers.context.permission.WRITE_RECORD_AUDIO | App customer permission. |
com.sec.android.settings.permission.SOFT_RESET | App customer permission. |
sec.android.permission.READ_MSG_PREF | App customer permission. |
com.samsung.android.scloud.backup.lib.read | App customer permission. |
com.samsung.android.scloud.backup.lib.write | App customer permission. |
android.permission.BIND_DIRECTORY_SEARCH | App customer permission. |
android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS | App customer permission. |
com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_WRITE_ALL_VOICEMAIL | App customer permission. |
Account manager | Allows to call into AccountAuthenticators. |
android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS | App customer permission. |
Use credentials | Allows to request authtokens from the AccountManager. |
Access coarse location | Allows to access approximate location derived from network location sources such as cell towers and Wi-Fi. |
Access fine location | Allows to access precise location from location sources such as GPS, cell towers and Wi-Fi. |
Access location extra commands | Allows to access extra location provider commands. |
Access mock location | Allows to create mock location providers for testing. |
Access wifi state | Allows to access information about Wi-Fi networks. |
android.permission.ACCESS_WIMAX_STATE | App customer permission. |
Authenticate accounts | Allows to act as an AccountAuthenticator for the AccountManager. |
Bind widget | Allows to tell the AppWidget service which application can access AppWidget's data. |
Bluetooth | Allows to to connect to paired bluetooth devices. |
Bluetooth admin | Allows to discover and pair bluetooth devices. |
android.permission.BODY_SENSORS | App customer permission. |
Broadcast sticky | Allows to broadcast sticky intents. |
CALL_PHONE | Allows to initiate a phone call without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call being placed. |
Camera | Allows to use the camera device. |
Change network state | Allows to change network connectivity state. |
Change wifi multicast state | Allows to enter Wi-Fi Multicast mode. |
Change wifi state | Allows to change Wi-Fi connectivity state. |
android.permission.CHANGE_WIMAX_STATE | App customer permission. |
Clear app cache | Allows to clear the caches of all installed applications on the device. |
Disable keyguard | Allows to disable the keyguard. |
android.permission.DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION | App customer permission. |
Expand status bar | Allows to expand or collapse the status bar. |
Flashlight | Allows to use the flashlight. |
Get accounts | Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service. |
android.permission.GET_CLIPS | App customer permission. |
Get package size | Allows to find out the space used by any app. |
Get tasks | Allows to get information about the currently or recently running tasks. |
Kill background processes | Allows to terminate background process. |
Manage accounts | Allows to manage the list of accounts in the AccountManager. |
Modify audio settings | Allows to modify global audio settings. |
NFC | Allows to perform I/O operations over NFC. |
Persistent activity | Allow to make app's activities persistent. |
Process outgoing calls | Allows to monitor, modify, or abort outgoing calls. |
Read calendar | Allows to read the user's calendar data. |
Read call log | Allows to read the user's call log. |
android.permission.READ_CELL_BROADCASTS | App customer permission. |
android.permission.READ_CLIPS | App customer permission. |
Read contacts | Allows to read the user's contacts data. |
Read external storage | Allows to read from external storage such as SD card. |
android.permission.READ_INSTALL_SESSIONS | App customer permission. |
Read phone state | Allows read only access to phone state. |
Read profile | Allows to read the user's personal profile data. |
Read sms | Allows to read SMS messages. |
Read social stream | Allows to read from the user's social stream. |
Read sync settings | Allows to read the sync settings. |
Read sync stats | Allows to read the sync stats. |
Read user dictionary | Allows to read the user dictionary. |
Receive boot completed | Allows to receive the boot completed notification that is broadcast after the system finishes booting. |
Receive mms | Allows to monitor, record or perform processing on incoming MMS messages. |
Receive sms | Allows to monitor, record or perform processing on incoming SMS messages. |
Receive wap push | Allows to monitor incoming WAP push messages. |
Record audio | Allows to record audio. |
Reorder tasks | Allows to change the Z-order of tasks. |
Restart packages | Allows to restart apps. |
Send sms | Allows to send SMS messages. |
Set time zone | Allows to set the system time zone. |
Set wallpaper | Allows to set the wallpaper. |
Set wallpaper hints | Allows to set the wallpaper hints. |
Subscribed feeds read | Allows to read the subscribed feeds ContentProvider. |
Subscribed feeds write | Allows to write the subscribed feeds ContentProvider. |
Transmit IR | Allows using the device's IR transmitter, if available. |
Use sip | Allows to use SIP service. |
Vibrate | Allows access to the vibrator. |
Wake lock | Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming. |
Write calendar | Allows to write the user's calendar data. |
Write call log | Allows to write the user's contacts data. |
android.permission.WRITE_CLIPS | App customer permission. |
Write contacts | Allows to write the user's contacts data. |
Write external storage | Allows to write to external storage such as SD card. |
Write profile | Allows to write the user's personal profile data. |
Write settings | Allows to read or write the system settings. |
Write sms | Allows to write SMS messages. |
Write social stream | Allows to write the user's social stream data. |
Write sync settings | Allows to write the sync settings. |
Write user dictionary | Allows to write to the user dictionary. |
android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT | App customer permission. |
Set alarm | Allows to broadcast an Intent to set an alarm for the user. |
Read history bookmarks | Allows to read the user's browsing history and bookmarks. |
Write history bookmarks | Allows to write the user's browsing history and bookmarks. |
Install shortcut | Allows to install a shortcut in Launcher. |
Uninstall shortcut | Allows to uninstall a shortcut in Launcher. |
com.android.vending.BILLING | App customer permission. |
com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE | App customer permission. |
Add voicemail | Allows to add voicemails into the system. |
com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.gms.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID_NOTIFICATION | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.OTHER_SERVICES | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.adsense | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.adwords | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ah | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.blogger | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cp | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.dodgeball | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.finance | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.gbase | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.grandcentral | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.groups2 | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.health | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ig | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.jotspot | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.knol | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.lh2 | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.local | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mobile | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.news | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.notebook | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.orkut | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.print | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.sitemaps | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.speech | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.speechpersonalization | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.talk | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.wifi | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.wise | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.writely | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.youtube | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.providers.talk.permission.READ_ONLY | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.providers.talk.permission.WRITE_ONLY | App customer permission. |
Mount unmount filesystems | Allows mounting and unmounting file systems for removable storage. |
Read logs | Allows to read the low-level system log files. |
Install packages | Allows to install apps. |
Delete packages | Allows to uninstall other apps. |
Clear app user data | Allows to clear user data. |
android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE | App customer permission. |
android.permission.ACCESS_CACHE_FILESYSTEM | App customer permission. |
android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA | App customer permission. |
android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA | App customer permission. |
Change configuration | Allows to modify the current configuration, such as locale. |
Device power | Allows low-level access to power management. |
Battery stats | Allows to collect battery statistics. |
android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER | App customer permission. |
com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.android.launcher3.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.android.launcher2.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.teslacoilsw.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.actionlauncher.playstore.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.mx.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.anddoes.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.apusapps.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.tsf.shell.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.htc.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.lenovo.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.oppo.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.bbk.launcher2.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.s.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
cn.nubia.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS | App customer permission. |
com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.CHANGE_BADGE | App customer permission. |
android.permission.GET_INTENT_SENDER_INTENT | App customer permission. |
Write apn settings | Allows to write the apn settings. |
- 軟體名稱: Clone Space - Multi Accounts
- 軟體分類: 工具
- APK名稱: jp.clonespace.navy
- 最新版本: 5.0.0
- 支持ROM: 4.2及更高版本
- 軟體大小 : 2.93 MB
- 更新日期: 2018-02-18