morsee : Enjoy Morse code 4.1.0 [免費版]


Enjoy a Morse code with a simple operation! 4 languages(En,Rus,Ja,Ko) are available.
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【Translate into Morse code!】
◆Simple UI
You can make a sentense with Morse code by just button tap in your language.
◆Useful cheat sheet
Forget Morse code? It is ok!! Because a cheat sheet is ready.
◆Edit function
Easy to edit when you make mistakes.
◆Select language
You can select 4 style Morse code: ALPHABET, Russian ALPHABET, Hangul(Korean) and KANA(Japanese).
【Translate Morse code! 】
◆ Translation function
It's easy to translate from Morse code to alphabet.Also Morsee translates sentense to Morse code.
◆ Support text share
When you select Morsee by other apps in a text share, Morsee translates the shared character for you.
 【Play your Morse codes! 】
 ◆ Play by sound
 You can play your Morse code by sound. The playback speed can be changed from the settings.
 ◆ Play by flush light
 You can play your Morse code by flush light.
 Notes: Works with Android 6.0 or higher.
【Save your Morse codes!】
◆Save your favorites
You can save your favorite Morse codes. You can anytime access saved Morse code from bookmark screen.
【Share your Morse codes!】
◆Shareing function
You can share your Morse codes with its translation.


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  • 軟體名稱: morsee : Enjoy Morse code
  • 軟體分類: 工具
  • APK名稱: com.wisteriastone.morsecode
  • 最新版本: 4.1.0
  • 支持ROM: 8.0及更高版本
  • 軟體大小 : 3.49 MB
  • 更新日期: 2022-10-18