WiFi Calls and Walkie Talkie 2.5 [免費版]


Call to any android device with WiFi, in 2 easy steps.
There are 2 features either you can select WiFi Calls or Walkie Talkie,
1. WiFi Calls : One phone should click on "+call" and other phone should wait to receive that call and then you can talk to each other.
2. Walkie Talkie : Only one phone should click on "Create Group" and others up to 3 phones should click on "Join Group", then select the device and wait till the countdown
is finished then you can start using this app (up to 50 meters).


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  • 軟體名稱: WiFi Calls and Walkie Talkie
  • 軟體分類: 通訊
  • APK名稱: com.pradhyu.wificalls
  • 最新版本: 2.5
  • 支持ROM: 4.0及更高版本
  • 軟體大小 : 2.33 MB
  • 更新日期: 2020-02-03