Ekspedisi Malam Jum'at Kliwon (by SimpleMan) 2.4 [免費版]


gw sekedar share pengalaman waktu pertama kali gw ikut mapala 2 tahun yg lalu.
bagi gw, ini salah satu malam yg paling menantang, karena, rupanya gw gak sendirian.
untuk mempersingkat malam kita, gak ada salahnya gw ingetin kembali, untuk melihat ke sekeliling, mungkin ada satu di antara kalian yg beruntung, dimana mereka ikut menemani
sajian gw malam ini.
seperti yg gw bilang, kajadian ini terjadi 2 tahun lalu, waktu gw ikut kegiatan kampus yg bergabung dalam team Ekspedisi ke salah satu gunung yg kurang di kenal. kegiatanya
sendiri bertujuan untuk menyambut mahasiswa baru yg bergabung di organisasi Mapala kampus.
singkatnya, gw adalah satu dari orang yg ikut.
Original Story BY: @SimpleM81378523
DISCLAIMER: Segala kontribusi, HAK CIPTA maupun isi yang terkandung didalamnya merupakan MILIK SANG PENULIS DIATAS, kami team Grewal17 hanya mempublish ulang tanpa mengubah
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Catatan: Aktifkan data selular atau terhubung ke wifi untuk memuat gambar dan emoticon bergerak
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I just shared my experience when I first joined Mapala 2 years ago.
for me, this is one of the most challenging nights, because apparently I'm not alone.
to shorten our night, there's no harm in me remembering again, to look around, maybe there is one of you who is lucky, where they come to accompany my dish tonight.
as I said, this happened 2 years ago, when I joined campus activities that joined the Expedition team to one of the mountains that was not well known. the activity itself
aims to welcome new students who join the Mapala campus organization.
in short, I was one of those who participated.
Original Story BY: @ SimpleM81378523
DISCLAIMER: All contributions, COPYRIGHT and the contents contained therein ARE OWN THE AUTHOR ON, our team Grewal17 only republishes without changing the contents in the
slightest with the aim of facilitating you in reading the contents of novels on HH smartphones, if there are other parties who feel they have contributed to this work please
email us, we will revise the ownership of this work.
Note: Activate cellular data or connect to wifi to load moving images and emoticons
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  • 軟體名稱: Ekspedisi Malam Jum'at Kliwon (by SimpleMan)
  • 軟體分類: 工具
  • APK名稱: com.grewal17.EkspedisiMalamJumatKliwon
  • 最新版本: 2.4
  • 支持ROM: 4.1及更高版本
  • 軟體大小 : 4.13 MB
  • 更新日期: 2021-03-17