Radio Paradise 4.6.5 [免費版]


Radio Paradise is a unique blend of many styles and genres of music, carefully selected and mixed by two real human beings - enhanced by a dazzling photo slideshow, tied
in thematically with the songs that are playing.
There's nothing else that's quite like it. You'll hear modern and classic rock, world music, electronica, even a bit of classical and jazz - with no random
computer-generated playlists, needless chatter, or commercials. The mix always includes a carefully-selected assortment of new songs & artists, many of which you won't
hear anywhere else.
Our specialty is taking a diverse assortment of songs and making them flow together in a way that makes sense harmonically, rhythmically, and lyrically an art that, to us,
is the very essence of radio. Radio Paradise is also a community. Each song is accompanied by the thoughts & comments about it from your fellow Radio Paradise
Discover why people all over the world make Radio Paradise their all-day every day soundtrack.


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  • 軟體名稱: Radio Paradise
  • 軟體分類: 音樂與音效
  • APK名稱:
  • 最新版本: 4.6.5
  • 支持ROM: 5.0及更高版本
  • 軟體大小 : 12.22 MB
  • 更新日期: 2022-11-16