audio speedometer +tax Mileage 1.5 [免費版]


audio speedometer and tax mileage tracker, via accurate GPS, so your car can't steal your speed.
• Drive at the sound of speed.
• Keep your eyes on the road, you don't have to see your speed, saves your eyes from changing focus.
• Keep ahead of the traffic in a 50mph average speed zone.
• Speed Logger included, it may help with your insurance claims.
• Quick updates as accelerate, else every 30s to 3min on cruise control.
• Quick start (if no Bluetooth or charger, use always on while in car)
• don't forget your phone, why don't I hear my speed?
• use in aircraft to keep you speed so don't stall or overspeed.
• set speed to knots, then can calc windspeed via airspeed.
• background mode, close app, leave and forget (see below)
• automatic GPS activation to save your battery, fingers and mind.
• place your phone where you can hear it and get good GPS signal.
• Turn on your car radio if using Bluetooth or Plug in your charger.
• You'll hear the activation message, drive over 20mph and hear your speed.Quick start: Pair phone to car Bluetooth (if not done yet) If your phone already paired, set, via phone BT settings, media audio off, so you can hear the speed in the
phone speaker (media volume up) If media audio on, will hear it in the car speaker with your music or phone call, if phone media selected from your car menu, but then won't hear
speed updates if listen to radio, unless media audio off.install and run app:
on main screen set use Charger or BTooth or Always on(GPS on will drain battery, unlike Bluetooth), set Miles Km Knots.
Close app, will see Audio Speedometer notification when GPS on, phone can be left with screen off now.
Inside car, place phone in window holder or built in car phone holder or other good location near window like passenger seat where can hear phone and get GPS. Sometimes phone
may need a restart if it wont reconnect to your cars Bluetooth. The app works in the background and will restart with a phone restart. Once setup, the app will work
automatically with your car's Bluetooth or charger (will hear welcome and goodbye messages) just keep your phone with you.
set phone Accessibility, screen reader, to TTS voice you like.
set and save volume via WELCOME button, adjust while playing, then will see volume saved message.background mode, phone, settings, battery, battery saver must be off, else keep app open on screen. If close app via force stop, must open again. Also works if your
normal SATNAV on, if in background mode. Sometimes Android kills long-running apps or puts phone to sleep. Wake phone with power button. Open app again if needed. For long
journeys connect the charger.
It may help to goto phone, settings, Apps and notifications, Advanced, Special App access, battery optimization, not optimized, All Apps, Dropwizsheets, Don't optimise, Done.
Also phone settings, performance optimization, Dropwizsheets, On. Phone settings, Battery, Adaptive Battery off.
.to see speed log, use app menu, installs dropwizmain, (then see its menu, speed log)
.Dropwizmain also Multi-drop route planner with parcel sorting aid.
.Uses DropWizSheets to import .xls from GDrive, after editing by Google Sheets.
.includes the London Drive Tour (see help and downloads, in app file page menu)Driving tip, Runway method:
to change lane into faster traffic, slow down in the current lane to build up a large gap you can accelerate into to match the speed of the lane you want. Caution, check mirrors
twice before change to ensure traffic ahead has not slowed down. A learner driver used it to get to 30mph on his 2nd lesson.
Free and unlimited drops, Ad supported for now.
Buttons: (see Images above) and help file menu in app, (on file page). (Sample Routes and help) see:


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  • 軟體名稱: audio speedometer +tax Mileage
  • 軟體分類: 旅遊與地方資訊
  • APK名稱:
  • 最新版本: 1.5
  • 支持ROM: 4.1及更高版本
  • 軟體大小 : 2.93 MB
  • 更新日期: 2022-09-27